Who Wants a FREE Care Package?
Did you know we offer on-site and virtual care package parties? Anyone, anywhere can organize a private group pack-up party and here's the secret: we do all the work and YOU get all the credit! We have the tools in place to organize your group's private pack-up--just let us know you are interested and LET'S DO THIS! IN THE HOUSTON AREA: We can come to your location with everything needed for a care package party. We bring the decorated boxes plus all the contents of the care packages, ready to be packed. You and your group arrive empty-handed and leave with a fully-packed care package ready to be mailed. We can also mail for you. Each host receives a FREE care package if at least 5 people purchase a care package from Front Porch Packages. We love hosting alumni groups, sports teams and Moms' Groups. VIRTUAL CARE PACKAGE PARTIES: We send out all the information for your private group and everyone orders their care packages. We coordinate, organize and s...